Artisan Tea Department
Welcome to our delicious tea department. Did you know that tea is, after water, the most widely consumed beverage on Earth?
Despite being the second most consumed drink in the world, in many regions and cultures there are special social events and ceremonies held to promote drinking this mighty brew, such as the tea party. Discover our wide selection of tea blends and make a tea party every day. Our Tea Masters select 100% natural ingredients to create these delicious blends. With a various fusions to choose from, Artisan Tea Blends will be a daily warm hug in a mug.
50g Dark Brown Magic £6.25
50g Druid's Forest Blend £6.20
50g Ethernal Elixir £6.45
50g Four Kingdoms £6.15
50g Green Dragon Blend £6.20
50g Hidden Islands Blend £6.20
50g Mid-summer Magic £6.75
50g On Angels Wings £6.20
50g Red Bush Relax £6.20
50g Serenity Souk Blend £5.75
50g Yogi Spice Blend £6.25